Gavel Lodge Get Their Man

18th September 2022

Back in June Northumberland Freemasons reported on members of Gavel Lodge No.8928, which meets at Cramlington Masonic Hall, completing the gruelling 26 mile Northumberland Coastal Challenge Walk, from Budle Bay to Alnmouth, in aid of Cramlington Man Shed.

Following on from this W.Bro Gary Breach, Bro Collin Bowman and Bro Neil Eastern, who undertook the walk, recently invited members of Cramlington and Blyth Man Sheds along to Cramlington Masonic Hall to present a magnificent cheque for the £895, raised during the sponsored walk. During the meeting tea, coffee and biscuits were laid on and plenty of chat occurred amongst the 11 Man-shed members and Collin, Gary and Gavin Latheron, prior to the presentation of the cheque and the obligatory photo opportunity.

Gary explained they then explained about Feemasonry, and the synergy that exists between the two groups, showing the visitors round the meeting room, which prompted numerous questions about Freemasonry. From this the meeting spawned three individuals expressing an interest in joining the Craft and one unattached mason considering re-joining, after 30 years away.

On the flip side Gavin Latheron volunteered his time to get involved with both Blyth and Cramlington Man-Shed to share his wood turning and carpentry skills with the members.

Alan, the Cramlington Man-Shed director, explained “We have been so successful I’m already hoping to be able to expand and take on more members. I’m also seeking volunteers such as retired joiners who would be able to tutor our members. We are also affiliated to the National Association of Men’s Sheds.

I really enjoyed our visit thanks it was nice to meet everyone and see your lodge, thank you for the donation received – it will assist us to continue to offer our services to our members moving forward.”

You can find out more about the fantastic support provided by Cramlington and Blyth Man Sheds at and

Many thanks to W.Bro Gary Breach for the submission of this article.

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