It’s A Family Affair At John Page Lodge

27th May 2022

Visitors to John Page Lodge No.3619, which meets at Cramlington Masonic Hall, witnessed a very unusual ceremony at their recent last meeting when a candidate was initiated by his father, assisted by one of the godparents of the candidate, as well as a close family friend and his ex-boss.

W. Bro Barry Lowen who is the Lodge Secretary took the Master’s chair to Initiate his son, Craig. Bro John Windsor acted as Junior Deacon for the night whilst W. Bros George Jobling and Gavin Wales both delivered significant parts of the ritual. All of the ritual was performed with finesse and dignity, especially the charge given by the Junior Warden, Bro Bryan Wilkinson.

The meeting was capped off with the presentation, by the Worshipful Master, W. Bro Derek Thompson, of two cheques to W. Bro. Gordon Craigs, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, for the benefit of The Association of the Friends of Scarborough Court, the first for the sum of £1000 from the Lodge and the second for the sum of £300 from the Northumberland Masonic Bowling Association.

Many thanks to W.Bro Gordon Craigs for the submission of this article.

Congratulations to Bro Craig Lowen on his initiation into the Craft, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, and we wish you many happy years.

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