Many congratulations to E.Comp Gordon Shaw, from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons, on reaching fifty years of uninterupted service of Royal Arch Chapter Masonry.
Gordon was initiated into Freemasonry in January 1965, into Newminster Lodge No.5326, which meets at Morpeth Masponic Hall. He was Master of the Lodge in 1976 and was honoured in Provincial Grand Lodge when he was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Grand Regsitrar in 1987, being subsequently promoted to Provincial Junior Grand Warden in 1993. He became an Officer of United Grand Lodge when he received the accolade of Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, in 1996.
Gordon joined the Royal Arch Chapter in November 1968, when he was Exalted into De Percy Royal Arch Chapter No.636, which also meets at Morpeth Masonic Hall. He took the Chair of MOst Excellent in 1981 and then subsequently in 2019, and still occupies the Chair. He was honoured in Provincial Grand Chapter when he was appointed to the Rank of Provincial Third Grand Principle in 1987 and was appointed, in Supreme Grand Chapter, in 1992 to Past Grand Standard Bearer being subsequently promoted to Past Asistant Grand Sojourner in 2002.
Congratulations from everyone at Northumberland Freemasons to Gordon on reaching your fantastic milestone.
Many thanks go to E.Comp Gary Breach for the submission of this article.
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