Guy Takes On Ultra Challenge For TLC

15th February 2022

W.Bro Guy Smith of Holmes Lodge No.2571, which meets at Byker Masonic Hall, is taking on a daunting ultra marathon in order to raise funds for the Northumberland Teddies For Loving Care charity.

The 96 mile West Highland Way Challenge Race includes 14700ft of ascent to be completed within a 35 hour cut off. The event begins at Fort William on 28th May 2022 and includes 7 checkpoints along the way including; Kinlochleven at 14 miles; Glen Coe Chairlift at 25 miles; Bridge of Orchy at 35 miles; Ochtertyre at 44 miles Beinglas at 54 miles Rowardennan at 68 miles; Drymen at 83 miles and finally finishing outside the Town Hall at Milngavie. 

Guy took on this marathon attempt last year however had to bow out due to severe blisters on the soles of his feet at approximately the 70 mile mark. As can be imagined the terrain isn’t the best, which makes blisters a real concern as well as twisted ankles, falls and general cuts and bruises on feet and legs. Along with this the weather can be very unpredictable on the hills, so participants must carry all the relevant safety equipment and weather proof/warm clothing alongside any food rations. 

TLC is a non profit masonic charity which raises funds to provide Teddy Bears to Children’s A&E Units, Hospital Wards and Walk In Centres. The bears help NHS Staff calm children while they are being examined and treated. It is run by volunteers and every penny donated is used solely to purchase bears. Find out more about TLC at

Help make Guys challenge a little easier by sponsoring him at

Many thanks to W.Bro Guy Smith for the submission of this article.

Northumberland Freemasons wishes Guy all the best for the monumental task ahead of him and look forward to hearing about his adventures.

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