Brier Dene Triple certificates

30th July 2023


An event for the annals of history unfolded recently at Brier Dene Lodge 5344, situated in Whitley Bay, where three seasoned Freemasons were honoured for their significant service to Freemasonry. The gathering was a celebration of individual accomplishments, steeped in the rich traditions and inspiring resilience that Freemasonry embodies.

The Provincial Grand Master Ian Craigs graced the occasion, presenting awards to these distinguished Freemasons. John Liddle and John Stephenson were recognised for their unwavering commitment and contribution spanning an impressive half a century. The night was further heightened when Doug Hopper received a certificate acknowledging an astounding 70 years of service to Freemasonry – a commendation that has not been presented by any current Provincial Grand Master before.

In addition to honouring these exceptional Freemasons, the event served as a walk through memory lane, narrating the lodge’s remarkable history. The narrative of Brier Dene Lodge’s rebuilding after the devastation of the Second World War proved particularly compelling. The lodge, like the phoenix, rose from the ashes after a direct hit, testament to the unwavering spirit and fraternity of Freemasonry.

These awards are not just a recognition of the tireless dedication of John Liddle, John Stephenson, and Doug Hopper but also a testament to the timeless legacy of Freemasonry.

Our heartfelt congratulations go out to our honoured brothers, and we express our deepest gratitude for their commitment and invaluable contributions to Freemasonry. Their legacy serves as an inspiration to all current and future members.

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