It’s All Change At The Royal And Select Masters In Northumberland

04th February 2023

Thursday night saw Wudcestre Council, which meets at Ashington Masonic Hall, play host to the Officers of the District Grand Council of Northumberland for a very historical meeting. 

The assembled masses were treated to the Installation of, not only, a new Deputy District Grand Master, but also a new District Grand Principal Conductor of Works and District Grand Treasurer. 

Presided over by the District Grand Master, R.Ill.Comp John Harvey, and under the watchful eye of the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ill.Comp Andrew Jennings, who just so happens to be the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Order, V.Ill.Comp John Tomlin was Installed as Deputy District Grand Master, and Ill.Comp John Bruce was Installed as District Grand Principal Conductor of Works, with his place, as District Grand Treasurer, being filled by Ill.Comp Sid Moor. 

The evening was made all the more special with the presence of R.Ill.Comp Norman Milburn IX, Past District Grand Master for Cumberland & Westmorland, R.Ill.Comp Michael Graham, District Grand Master for Durham, R.Ill.Comp Neil Woodward, District Grand Master for Yorkshire North & East Ridings, V.Ill.Comp Peter Magnay, Past Provincial Grand Master in the Craft and Mark and Past Grand Superintendent in the Royal Arch Chapter for Northumberland,  Ill.Comp Gordon Craigs, Past Provincial Grand Master in the Mark and Assistant Provincial Grand Master in the Craft for Northumberland, V.Ill.Comp Colin Hume, Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler in the Order of the Secret Monitor for the Northumberland, Ill.Comp David Roach, Intendant General in the Red Cross of Constantine for North & East Yorkshire, Ill.Comp John Warham, Provincial Grand Master in the Royal Order of Scotland for Northumbria, with Andrew Jennings also being kept in check by another Grand Director of Ceremonies in he guise of Ill.Comp David Armstrong, Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Mark, who also happens to be the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in the Craft for Northumberland. 

Congratulations to John Tomlin and John Bruce on their, well deserved, preferments, and wish the three Johns all the best for the future in their governing of the Order in Northumberland

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