Mammoth Task For The District Of Northumberland And Durham

16th January 2023

Saturday 14th January saw Ashington Masonic Hall play host to the District of Northumberland and Durham, Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests as they conducted the first ceremony of the Order of Holy Wisdom, for the District, since the end of the pandemic. 

The long-awaited meeting saw a packed to the rafters room witness Thomas William David Railson, Grand Superintendent and High Prelate, assisted by his team of officers, admit a monumental 16 Aspirants into the Order from across the District.

Amongst the assembled guests, supporting and assisting the Grand Superintendent, were an impressive seven Heads of Order, and one Past Head of Order, from across Northumberland and Durham, comprising of Ray Walton, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark and Royal Ark Mariners in the Province of Northumberland, Kevin Stannard, Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Craft Province of Northumberland, and Provincial Prior for the Provincial Priory of Northumberland, Alan Hume, Past Provincial Prior for the Provincial Priory of Northumberland, Robin Knight, Intendant General of the Durham Division of the Red Cross of Constantine, Trevor Fish, soon to be, Intendant General of the Northumberland Division of the Red Cross of Constantine, Michael Jacques, Provincial Grand Sumnus for the Scarlet Cord in the Province of Durham and Northumberland, John Warham, Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Northumbria in the Royal Order of Scotland, and William Malcolm,  Deputy Grand Master Mason and Senior Passed Master of the Northern Counties Region of the Operatives. 

A slick well worked ceremony was followed by a very enjoyable and convivial lunch. 

Congratulations to all of the Aspirants on their admission into the Order, and to all concerned for the organisation and execution of the meeting.

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